Date Published: 06/09/2020

e DISC is a suite of scientifically validated online assessments used by thousands of organisations worldwide. When a respondent takes our online questionnaire, the process lasts about ten minutes. During the questionnaire process, respondents answer 24 questions about themselves on their personality or behaviour. The questionnaire forces respondents to choose two of four options: a word or phrase that describes them once as “most” and once as “least”. For the most valid result possible, we offer respondents over 70 languages to choose from. Our eDISC tool allows most individuals to take the questionnaire in their most comfortable native language (thus ensuring accurate and highly valid results).

The unique eDISC questionnaire forces respondents to choose two of four options: a word or phrase that describes them once as “most like me” and once as “least like me”. For the most valid result possible, we offer respondents over 70 language options to allow most individuals to take the questionnaire in their most comfortable native language (thus ensuring accurate and highly valid results).


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